Student Pilots

Chris Wiggins - 03 December 24


I am proud to announce that another club member, Chris Wiggins, successfully passed his check ride today with Brad Smith.
Congratulations to Chris and his instructor, Tyler Sanders. Great Job.

Dennis M

Sonny Upchurch - 03 October 24


Congratulations are in order to Sonny Upchurch who successfully passed his instrument check. Well done, Sonny!

Chris Wiggins - 19 April 2024


Congratulations to Chris Wiggins for completing his first solo flight. Great Job!

Saboor Qudsi - 13 November 2023


I am happy to announce that Saboor Qudsi successfully completed his check ride with Brad Smith today and is now a PRIVATE PILOT !! Good job Saboor.

Dennis M

Saboor Qudsi - 19 June 2023


I am pleased to announce that Saboor Qudsi, did in fact, solo the might Cessna 150 today. He commented after the flight that it was "an awesome experience, a day to remember" He also noted that the airplane climbed a lot faster after I got out of the airplane. I've heard that before!

Saboor did an excellent job and is to be commended.

Dennis M

Jacob Brown - 24 March 2022


I am pleased to announce that Jacob Brown did successfully pass his Instrument Practical test yesterday evening amid strong winds and a small XC to KTKI for an ILS approach.

CONGRATULATIONS Jacob ! That is a significant accomplishment !!

Dennis M

Jimmy Jackman - 10 March 2022


I am happy to announce that Jimmy Jackman became a Private Pilot. Congratulations to Jimmy for completing an almost flawless checkride.

Dennis M

Jimmy Jackman - 4 October 2021


Jimmy Jackman successfully soloed the Mighty Cessna 150 yesterday evening around 6 PM. He did a fine job. He mentioned that the performance of the Cessna vastly improved once all that extra weight was removed !!
Congratulations, Jimmy, a great accomplishment!

Dennis M

Stephanie Recchia - 15 September 2021


Stephanie Recchia successfully passed her PRIVATE PILOT check ride today.
She did this in some very challenging crosswind conditions. In fact, Brad gave here a few extra points for completing the check ride in conditions less than ideal. He doesn't do that very often.
Stephanie said passing the check ride lifted a huge weight off her shoulders. I can only imagine!
As her instructor, I'm very proud of what Stephanie accomplished today. She worked exceptionally hard to achieve this goal. I foresee many years of flying ahead for her.
Stephanie, my hats off to you. A job VERY well done.


Dennis M

Brian Selle - 29 July 2021


Congratulations are in order to Brian Selle on a MAJOR accomplishment today. He successfully passed his private pilot check ride with Brad Smith. Brian did a nice job. He did mention it was a lot of work.

A big thanks to Brad Smith for him squeezing Brian in his busy schedule to accommodate the check ride. Thanks, Brad.

Great job, Brian. Now you don't have to listen to me anymore. You are now a genuine pilot. Fly often and fly safe.

Dennis M
